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Enjoy a new 2 layer satin bonnet, satin edge scarf, lay and slay edge band, satin pillowcase, and many more items for you basic haircare needs.

~ Along with your "hair basics" you will enjoy up to 3 business samples. Each sample allows you to experience other business products and other items that are available.

~ You will get a $10 shopping card thats redeemable at Evolved Hair Affiliate program. These shopping cards can be used up to 3 at one time.  

~ You will recieve a hair, body or soul at at home reciepe. These are tips, and self made products that you can do yourself to enhance your beauty routine


Evolved Beauty Box Monthy Subscription


Simple $H!T Kits

Hair Basics color preference (if available)
Business Samples : Our choice
Price Options
One-time purchase
Evolved Beauty Boxes
$45.00every month until canceled
  • Each month the contents of each bag will very. Some products outside of the "hair basics" items can change. If theres a specific sample that you are wanting please feel free to contact us directly and we will try to fufill your request  

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